It was a cold, stormy night. Nobody was home and I had once again fallen asleep with the remote control on my head.
I find it a comfort zone, really.
Suddenly, I heard a loud CLACK CLACK CLACK.
I peered to the left, even though the sound was diretly behind me. I could see nothing out of the ordinary. So I shrugged and made an apathetic face.
See. It's sort of apathetic. I shouldn't show that much concern...anyway...
Something told me that there was someone or something here. I knew that I should investigate or just simply turn around. I did the most logical thing -
Okay, something was really disturbing my sleep and it's starting to get personal.
I slowly pulled myself up to peer over the chair. My heart began beating faster. Now I was worried. Seriously, no more sarcasm. This was some scary shit.
I stared at the bar in the corner of the living room and noticed a mysterious presence...
I was too far away to make out what exactly was perched on my bar. I squinted my eyes and in an instant, I knew immediately what it was....
(I was so shocked that I took a cute Myspace angles pic to cherish and possibly get some comments on.)
I knew what it was now. Oh god, why? Why in my town? Why in my house? WHAT DID WE DO TO DESERVE THIS?!!!
1 comment:
does anybody actually get some of your humor?
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